Bryan first discusses what brought him to this speech; the fight between those who want a gold standard and those who believe in a silver-to-gold ratio of 16 to 1. He then goes on to speak of businessmen, and how even the lowliest worker is just as much of a businessman as his employer. He says that the job of the representatives in Congress was to represent all these people, especially the workers, as they are the majority. And he believes that bimetallism as opposed to the gold standard is the way to create fairness between the people. He defends it by giving multiple examples, and then refutes counterarguments. He does this by describing how the cities, who are in favor of a gold standard, were destroyed, if the farms were left alone they would recover. But if the farms, who would benefit from bimetallism, were destroyed, the cities will crumble. He also says that just because other countries are on the gold standard doesn't make them right. Finally, he describes how he will fight anyone supporting the gold standard, because as he is a representative of the people, he will protect what would be best for them.
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